Welcoming Parcel, the best coding platform for email 

In 2022, Customer.io acquired Parcel, the best coding platform for creating emails. Learn more about why we decided to add this tool to our platform.

Colin Nederkoorn
Colin Nederkoorn
Co-founder and CEO
Welcoming Parcel

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[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "block", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop

Anyone who has written email code knows it’s uniquely challenging. Coding platforms built for web development don’t take email standards into account. Email code breaks HTML formatters, requires non-standard CSS, and behaves differently in the many email clients that exist.

Parcel was built with email developers and marketers in mind, including the features of modern code editors as well as tools to make hand-crafted email creation easy.

Image of Parcel

Parcel makes every step of the email creation process better, from a component system that enables building with a design system approach to its tools for team collaboration.

We think every email creator deserves Parcel (more for free!)

Parcel is used and loved by people who create email code regardless of the platform they use to send emails. It will continue to be available as a separate product and we’re adding to the team to develop the product. In addition, to make Parcel more accessible to all email creators, we’re happy to announce a major expansion of Parcel’s free Community Plan. We’re increasing the number of free emails by 10x and including several of the most valuable features: reusable snippets, live multi-device previews, and an email-specific HTML problem checker.

Here’s what just one of Parcel’s users, Megan Boshuyzen, Senior Email Developer at Mailgun, has to say about why everyone should use Parcel.

Parcel is an essential part of any email developer’s toolkit. With features like components and HTML linting, email development that used to take me days now takes me a few hours or less. Parcel saves me time, keeps me consistent, and helps me deliver perfectly coded emails.

The best email coding experience is now native in Customer.io

We are also building the Parcel editing experience directly into Customer.io. Parcel will replace Customer.io’s code editor.

The first version is live today. You can enable Parcel as the code editor in your Customer.io account as an experimental feature.

Image of the editors in Customer.io

Making the lives of email creators better

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "block", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop

Teaming up with Parcel helps Customer.io deliver a world class experience for both email creators and the lifecycle marketers who use email to deliver more thoughtful messages to their customers. Together, we’ll further Customer.io’s work to make sophisticated marketing tools accessible to every business with big aspirations.

[@portabletext/react] Unknown block type "block", specify a component for it in the `components.types` prop

Colin Nederkoorn

CEO @ Customer.io