How Mysa revved up their revenue by 592% through email marketing 

Find out how Mysa increased their email marketing revenue by 592% by granularly segmenting audiences and sending hyper-personalization messages.

Lucy Wen
Lucy Wen
Sales Enablement Strategist
Mysa revved up their revenue by 592% through email marketing
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Mysa was previously using Klaviyo to send their marketing messages but decided to switch to for our ability to segment audiences more granularly and incorporate customers’ product usage into their messaging strategy.

By using to create a more targeted email strategy, Mysa has seen its revenue skyrocket over 592% from just their email marketing.

The road to purchase

Purchasing a smart thermostat is more complex than the average eCommerce product because it needs to be compatible with the voltage and setup of a customer’s household. To ensure customers are suited to purchase their thermostat, Mysa embeds a Typeform compatibility quiz on their website. Results from the quiz determine if the thermostat is suitable for their household.

For the people who complete the compatibility quiz and are deemed qualified, Mysa asks if they’d like to opt-in to their newsletter. Once opted-in to these newsletters, they see that 19.2% of leads end up purchasing a thermostat. A huge conversion!

Suppose a lead is unsure whether they can take their old thermostat off the wall and replace it with a Mysa thermostat (a common drop-off point on their form). In that case, Mysa asks them if they’d like additional information regarding uninstalling their current thermostat. This allows them to capture leads who might have otherwise fallen off and convert them to customers. Through this flow, they see a 10.8% conversion rate for leads who initially marked themselves as unsure if their household was compatible.

Smart thermostat, smarter automation

Mysa uses events taken by both their leads and customers to understand the actions and messages they should send to them.

One example is how they trigger abandoned cart sequences with their Shopify integration (via Zapier). Using JSON in the builder, they dynamically include the picture, description, and any accompanying discounts directly in the email copy to send to leads who added a product to their cart but didn’t check out. With tens of thousands of abandoned cart emails sent, their 2.2% conversion rate yields them sizeable revenue that would otherwise have been lost.

Another automation they’re able to incorporate into their strategy is by triggering an onboarding campaign when a customer has paired their mobile app to the smart thermostat. When detects this, Mysa knows that that’s the cue to start sending a series of onboarding emails to help the customer get the most out of their product and know what to do now that they’re connected.

In addition to this onboarding activation flow, they also set up messages to send out an NPS survey 30 days after a customer has paired a thermostat to their app. They’ve even gone a step further to delight their customers by making this point of entry simple. They build their email to appear as though a customer can vote directly in the email. Based on the numeric score they vote on within the email, they are brought to a specific Typeform survey already associated with that score to prevent customers from having to input the information twice.

Data housekeeping: the energy-efficient way

Mysa also uses as their primary CRM tool and as their single source of truth to base lead and customer communication on. From the continuous stream of actions and non-actions taken by leads and customers, they set up automations in their campaigns that keep their audience data clean. Beyond just campaign-related events, when events happen in the backend of their app, that information also updates a user’s profile within For example, if a customer adds the number of Mysa units on their account to their app, it updates their profile in real-time so that they can create segments on it later. is our main source of truth for anything related to marketing or eCommerce details. We take actions taken by leads and customers on our website, app, and Shopify, and funnel it into instead of manually updating anything.

Performance Marketing ManagerAMI
Performance Marketing Manager

They also use information stored in to help make informed business decisions. Through an automation that captures the moment a lead becomes a customer, Mysa is able to uncover how long it typically takes for a lead to convert to a customer. This has helped in their lead acquisition strategy by knowing how long they should reach out to leads before their efforts become futile.

In a similar vein, they used to run contests where leads could win various freebies. Mysa then studied the results of the contest to see which of these leads eventually became customers. Through the data, they learned that this strategy wasn’t yielding significant results, so they stopped running this contest to focus on other approaches.

Through data analysis within, we’re able to learn about our lead acquisition strategy and understand whether it’s worth it to focus on a specific group or tactic, and if it is worth our time and money.

Performance Marketing ManagerAMI
Performance Marketing Manager

Black Friday

Like many other US and Canadian-based eCommerce companies, Black Friday is an important day at Mysa. To run their Black Friday deals, they’ve set up amazing configurations within to ensure the right offers get to the right leads.

As one of Mysa’s Black Friday promotions, they partner with specific utility providers to offer rebates to customers. To do this, they use to segment and target leads who live in the locations supported by those utility providers. They then take their sophistication one step further by segmenting out users who have used a rebate in the past, and acknowledge that in their messaging. Compared to their regular Black Friday promotion that targets users on a more general level, they see a 3x higher conversion rate, which they attribute to the personalization based on localization.

Final thoughts

Through the use of sophisticated configurations led by smart automations, Mysa has been able to push their messaging personalization strategy to the highest degree to increase sales and revenue. By transforming every user attribute along with actions taken by leads and customers, Mysa sculpts the best messages to increase sales.

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