
The state of lifecycle marketing 

78% of brands say they’re likely or very likely to hit their lifecycle marketing goals in 2024. Do you feel the same?

Imagine the moment a first-time buyer transforms into a loyal advocate of your brand. This transition isn’t just a happy accident—it’s the result of effective lifecycle marketing. But what tactics and techniques do lifecycle marketers rely on to facilitate this transition? The customer lifecycle is long—it spans from acquisition to onboarding, retention, expansion, and win-back—and it’s chock-full of opportunities for marketers to make their customers feel valued. We surveyed over 600 brands in industries such as SaaS, fintech, edtech, marketplaces, and healthcare to learn more about their lifecycle marketing. We wanted to find out what stages of the customer journey they focus on most, and the strategies they’re using to nurture their customers. Grab this concise, informative report to uncover the common trends and challenges facing lifecycle marketing today.

Take a peek at what’s inside:

  • Lifecycle stage priorities. See where marketers are focusing their efforts and which stages are being overlooked.
  • Channels that generate proven ROI for teams. Find out which channels are driving the best results for marketers, from email to in-app messaging, SMS and push notifications.
  • Top challenges in lifecycle marketing. Discover the missing pieces of most lifecycle strategies today, and why consolidating your tech stack and investing in a Customer Data Platform (CDP) can help.